catchment basin

美 [ˈkætʃmənt ˈbeɪsn]英 [ˈkætʃmənt ˈbeɪsn]
  • 流域;集水盆地
catchment basincatchment basin


the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries;an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet
flood control in the Missouri basin
Synonym: river basin basin watershed drainage basin catchment area drainage area


  1. Catchment basin is quite important in geochemistry and other domains .


  2. In the fringe of a catchment basin there exists an ideal maximum probability peat zone ;


  3. A powerful earthquake destroyed the vegetation and surface debris basin soil , many bedrock outcrops , has changed conditions and the water catchment basin runoff conditions .


  4. It is the geographical data pretreatment to unite the map projection and to workout map of catchment basin for analyst and explaining anomaly of sand and geochemistry .


  5. The degradation rate in the main stream turns higher towards downstream , while in the tributary stream it seems to be closely related with land utilization , wastewater treatment and discharge within the catchment basin .


  6. This paper introduces a new type of a gate which is very practical in project . It solves the hydrostatic lift problem of a gate between an intake chamber and suction chamber in the catchment basin of an intake pump station .


  7. In this algorithm , the 4-conn and edge of the catchment basin is the only thing that needs to be considered , so the algorithm is low memory consuming . Furthermore , the algorithm can make the touched objects separate from each other efficiently .


  8. They are hydrologically of catchment , basin character , with different ways of recharge and drainage , and occupying a special position in geomorphologic structure of the drainage area .


  9. Application of Hydrological Modeling System HEC-HMS to Baohe Catchment of Hanjiang Basin
